These include learning disabilities, physical disabilities, mental health problems and autism and brain injury.
From its inception Avocet has endeavoured to provide as normal a way of life as possible for its clients through the provision of high quality care and support. The founder trustees included Pat Frankish, Terry Davies, Jean Carlin, Shelagh Devereux and Tim Wright.
In the summer of 1993 Avocet acquired its first property at Kingfisher Rise in Hull, which was purpose built by the Bradford and Northern Property Trust. At the same time the new NHS and Community Care Act provided the right for vulnerable people to have their needs properly assessed. This led to a number of clients with profound learning disabilities being referred to Avocet.
Many of our residents came out of long-stay hospitals and could do very little for themselves.
They relied on the commitment of our staff for round-the-clock care. Increasingly however we are attracting clients who are more independent these days we have clients who attend college and have part-time work.
Nowadays our new properties are ordinary house and bungalows which we have converted to meet CQC standards and you would be hard pushed to distinguish them from any other house in the neighbourhood.