Matthew’s Enterprise

Empowerment for life

Welcome to Matthew’s Enterprise Trust…

Employment & Living Skills Day Centre

Matthew’s Enterprise was established to provide a Specialist Day Service for vulnerable people to develop skills to prepare them to live as independently as possible.

The Centre continues to develop and adapt to meet the needs of individual clients/students.

Employment Skills Services currently being provided

These include:

  • A Well-Equipped Woodwork-Shop
  • A Large Metal-Work Shop
  • A Garden Concreting Facility
  • A Restaurant & Catering Facility
  • Arts & Crafts Facility
  • Animal Husbandry
  • Photography
  • Horticulture

Future Employment Skills

To include:

  • Retail experience both on the site and in the community
  • Fruit Juice – Fruit growing and juice manufacture

Future Daily Living Skills

A comprehensive program is currently being developed to facilitate independent living in the community.

The program includes:

  • Reading, writing and arithmetic
  • Managing money
  • General Housekeeping
  • Socialisation and Community skills