Local Community Fund Update: Thank you to the Co-op and Co-op members

We would like to thank the Co-op and all the Co-op members for the very generous donation received through the Local Community Fund totalling £5,427.16.  We were delighted to be advised we would be receiving this donation.  Thank you!

When Co-op members buy selected Co-op branded products and services, the Co-op gives local causes a helping hand.  In January 2021, we applied to become part of the Co-op Local Community Fund and were lucky enough to be chosen to become one of the local causes that the Co-op elected to support this year.

Thanks to Co-op members’ support, the Co-op has confirmed we will be receiving a total donation of £5,427.16 for our cause and we couldn’t be more thrilled.   As a registered charity, any donations we receive a very much appreciated.

The money will be put towards Avocet commissioning a village shop in North Frodingham.  The previous village shop recently closed leaving villagers, some of whom are vulnerable with no personal transport, with no local shops for essentials.

The shop will allow our students, who attend our Day Service at Matthew’s Enterprise in Preston village,  to receive training around the management of the shop and providing a retail service to local people with all of the skills involved, such as greeting people, measuring weights of produce and managing money.

Thank you to the Co-op and its members for their support and generosity.
